31 December 2010

Top 10 of 2010

Last year you may remember we posted our favorite songs of the year here. We decided to do that again this year.

Big Boi/Shutterbug
Broken Bells/The High Road
Delta Spirit/Bushwick Blues
Janelle Monae f. Big Boi/Tightrope
LCD Soundsystem/Dance Yrself Clean
Lissie/In Sleep
Local Natives/Airplanes
Mumford & Sons/The Cave
The Black Keys/Tighten Up
Trampled by Turtles/Victory

iTunes has extended the preview time for songs from 30 seconds to a minute and a half so you can actually hear what the song sounds like. Check these out, and let us know what you think!

30 December 2010

17 December 2010


With my U-Guide deadlines quickly approaching and Josh studying for his GMAT test, we haven't had tons of time to post but here are a couple things we've been working on...

The new entry light

and some thrifted frames.

The light we hung last Saturday during the blizzard because we were too excited to leave it in the box another day. The frames I purchased a while ago from the ARC Thrift Store for $1-3 each. Some of them had some interesting things in them, but I was only looking at the frame. I sprayed them all glossy black, and will eventually hang them in the stairway/hall upstairs.

08 December 2010

01 December 2010

Just like Taco Truck

Last Wednesday, after Josh and I had run out of food before Thanksgiving, we decided to find a good Mexican Restaurant in the Midtown Global Market. And we did. We had tacos and enchiladas from Taqueria Los Ocampo, and it was amazing. Can't wait to try some of the other places there soon.

Hmm, tacos.