Yesterday was our year anniversary of living in California. We can't believe that it's already been a year. We've had some really bad times (us freaking out), but we've also had some of the best experiences of our lives. Above is when Josh and I drove up to Tahoe the first time on Hwy 88. Here's looking back to some of our other favorite moments...
Having Matt and Brie out was really fun. This was at Sterling in Calistoga.
Here are Josh, Christine and I at Stinson Beach. Although my favorite moment when Steve, Deb and Christine were here was going over the hill on Divisadero Street and Christine screaming like we were on a roller coaster!
We waited until my parents got here to go out to Alcatraz and it was worth the wait. It was so gorgeous out there with everything blooming in the spring.
Then Matt and I planned to surprise Josh in April. We got him good. And I think they had a really great time in Monterey together golfing.
And most recently was our road trip down to see Christine, Anna and Ryan in LA. It was so fun to see familiar faces and a whole new city.
We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us, and we're so excited to have more adventures in California and hopefully back in Minnesota!
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