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My mom told me she wanted to get this key holder off my wist for me, but the shipping would have taken too long so yesterday, we went up to Anthropologie to pick one up. It was much larger than I thought it was, but I still love it. And it actually worked out well because Anthropologie actually sent me a birthday coupon, so I got 15% off and didn't have to worry about shipping. We hung it here in the little nook by the kitchen.
I can't believe that September has already nearly passed. After seeing Andy and Tine we got unfortunate news that my grandpa had passed away and we flew home for 2 days to see family, and attend the visitation and funeral. While Josh and I were heading back to Minnesota, Steve and Deb were on there way out for a visit, so we hurried back to spend some much needed fun times with them.
Last Friday we drove down to Santa Cruz and Josh and Steve tried surfing. They were pretty good and had a great time.
Then Saturday we spend the day driving. First the 17-Mile Drive, then we continued down the coast and got as far as Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. The scenery was gorgeous.
Sunday, we finished up our adventure with a trip to the aquarium. My favorite were the otters, but we also saw seahorses, jellies, birds, sharks, starfish and other various sea life.
We'd been looking forward to Andy and Tine's visit since they told us earlier this summer they were coming out, so when Saturday rolled around, we couldn't wait to get down to SF. Since the Bay Bridge was closed (for construction) it took us a little longer than normal to get there, but we got to spend plenty of quality time walking, talking, eating and drinking together. They were also nice enough to let us stay with them in their room Saturday night, so we could stay out late.
This was the crazy sunrise we woke up to. We were on the 24th floor with a great view of downtown and Union Square. It was foggy but the sun was able to peek in before the fog totally took over.
Last week Josh found out he was nominated for a Champions of Finance Award. He found out today he was nominated by his boss for his Risk & Opportunities model. The winners will be announced in October and if Josh gets one of the 6-8 awards (out of 70ish nominees) he would get $500 and a cool trophy for his desk. Of course, he would never post this himself, but I'm proud of him, so I thought I would.