Lately, Josh and I haven't been doing a lot of exploring so we don't have a ton to share. It was raining a lot (which is good because we don't want drought conditions this summer), but it has been pretty clear since last weekend.
Josh got some new clubs and has been breaking them in on the weekends. Here he decided to play with Lucy inside. (That's a mini tennis ball).
I was in Anthropologie (one of my favs) a couple weekends ago and couldn't resist these super cute measuring spoons. Online, I also ordered these great french canning jars to hold popcorn, rice, orzo, oatmeal etc. We've started shopping more in the bulk section at the grocery store, and these jars are cuter than the plastic bags from the store.
With the daylight savings time change, we have more time to walk with Lucy in the daylight. It's starting to get warmer (60s) and we're enjoying being outside without jackets. Also enjoying the greenness since it will stop raining for the summer soon.
Sorry for the mediocre post. We're getting excited for my parents and Logan to visit, so more exciting things to come soon!