Janelle and I made it safely home to sunny California yesterday afternoon. We had a great time visiting with friends and family! It felt like we had never left! Instead of recapping everything we did while in MN, here is a laundry list of fun stuff.
Thanksgiving: Like always, very tasty! Thanks Grandma
Hanging out with Friends: Thanks everyone for coming. It was great talking with everyone. We'll have to do this again in December!
The Food: Davanni's, Jake's Pizza, Taco Johns, Lakeside
Chloe: You are big! Lucy can't wait to see you at Christmas!

Weather: Snow, rain, sun, freezing rain...and that was only the first day!

Cards: Sue continues her push rummy dominance, wins 2 of 3 games played.
Grandpa and Mary's new House: Thanks Mary for hosting a fun party! It was great to see your new place.
When we returned to Elk Grove we went straight for Franklin Pet Ranch to pick up Lucy. We were all very excited to see each other! Lucy loves the gifts we brought from MN (new water and food dishes and a sock monkey toy).

Thanks again to everyone that provided food, shelter and great conversation while Janelle and I where visiting. We are looking forward to coming back in December, this time with Lucy.